El Pasión Segrado y La Mortaje

“Voluntar de Dios Sera Cumplido”

Por P. Anthony Garcia


Este Alabado es una colección de pensamientos compartidos de testigos contínuo y testamentos de los sacrificios compartidos a traves de generaciones enforma de alabanza, prosa y canciones. Esto es para conservar y compartir generosamente y valorar la comunidad. Esta comunidad ha recibido el entendimiento de lo que es correcto y la sabiduria del comienzo del Cordero de Dios. Desde este punto en adelante, cualquier camino que sea, esta comunidad recibió el propósito absoluto de preservar y compartir la libertad absoluta como resultado de este sacrificio.

El ángel se apareció a Jesús rezando
en el gardín de Getsamaní
Le traía el suave licor del cielo
Proporciona valor por dolor y sufrimiento
Ahora sé que le esperaba no se levantó

La soga colgado a su cuello
Jalen y empujan como  cordero con ningún propósito
Soga significa incorrecto dirección de humano
Soga desposada con ropa fina en el calvario
Pesar de todo el Nuevo Testamento nacido por soga

Prendimiento del paz de la gardín
Hasta la Casa de Annas hasta Pretorio
Reunidos un consejo de juicio
Sarsedote Caliphas interregó ensenanzas
Jesús respondio ensenanzas no era secreto

Malchus golpeó nuestro devíno primero
Concilio escupieron su cada santa
Vendaron y golpieron pedieron qual
mano se lo ofendieron
Le pelaron las barbas por recreo
Pasaron toda la noche

A madregada trieron golpeado y sangrado a juico
Coronado espinas y caña mano derecha un cetro
Pointius Pilate nota miles errores y
declarando el Galileo y remitió a Herodes
Herodes lo piensaba un imbecile y devuelve
a Pilate que él obre libremente

Pilate nacio en Tarragon (Tarraco) Espana
Pilate indigno de juicio o la regra
Codicioso y anterior mal juez aunque sabia
su error y por no perder su oficio
quiso adular a aquel gente

Condenó un ladrón mandaron al Calvario 8:00 a.m.
Amarado a pilar blano y ordenado azotado
Azotado con varas hizo de juncos verde
El pilar combio color de jaspe
Sacan al balcón para ensenar con manto grana

Golpeado con sangre de humanidad gotande de corona
Sale con soga al cuello entre Dismas y Gestas
Instante ponen el cruz en su espalda
El arbol para colgar humidad de immense fatiga
María se encuentra con la processión y se desmaya

Algos valiente y Juan ayduda María y sigue tortura
Jesús no puede cargar el cruz y se cae
El polvo cubre su cada pegando a su cada
Sangre llena su boca y no eludió
Aunque era capaz traer su propio muerte

Esclavo Simón de Cirinio valentiá arrastado la cruz
Ayuda me! Mi Jesús
Por su corazón
Quiín sabe come ser un Cirinio por un hombre
Que ha fracasado en su passión

Veronica limpio su cada
de sudor, sangre y saliva
el imagen de mi criador
en un lienzo quedó estampado
Puede que estampa mi alma este pasión dolorasa

Llegando al Calvario entre las 9 a 10 manana
Con 5 lesiones lo ponen en la cruz con cada oeste
Su mano izquerdo no pudo alcanzar al pozo
y se estira con soga para barrenaron
El Ángel llega para consolar a Jesús

En el pie de la cruz llega María y Juan más tarde
La llorosa y inconsolable María
Jesús habla, “Mujer te veas su Hijo”
Jesús a Juan, “Veras tu Madre”
El Evangelistico está consolando María

Jesús respire por tres horas, por 12:00 era muerto
El sol desconde, la tierra tremble tres veces
María pida permiso de Juan para quedad en su casa
Se llore por tres dias, la voluntar de Dios cumplido
Se llore, quien llevar mi hijo de la cruz!

Jose el Senador de Arimetea, secreamente un díscipulo
Trajo el Sepulcro y lienzo para la entierra
Nicodimas el scholar de quien Jesús comportió
la esencia de Cristanismo “Para Nacer de Nuevo”
Los dos hombres bajarlo y él lo mano a María

Lo agarra en sus dulces brazos
banada de compasión
su dulce cuerpo le besó
traspasada de dolor
en su sagrada pasión

Lo dos hombres y Juan llevan el Cordero de Dios
Agarra in el lienzo enrellado
En esto lienzo quedó estampada con su imagen
El lienzo que se convertirá La Mortaje
Cargan Jesús hasta Sepulcro

Cierran con losa fria
Los Ángeles abrien la losa fria
Inquieta María Magdelena llega
Pregunta al Jardinero donde esta Jesús?
El responde que Cristo ha resucitado

Juan devuelve al Sepulcro
Envuelve delicalament La Mortaje
y quitar esta de la vista
Juan el cuidador de María
Hora el cuidador del imagen de Cristo

Por P. Anthony Garcia


The Sacred Passion and The Schroud

“Gods Will be Done”

by P. Anthony Garcia


This Alabado is a collective of shared thoughts from a continuum of witness and testament of the sacrifice that pass through generations via praise, prose and song to preserve and share the unselfishness and valor of a community. This community was granted the understanding of what shall be done and a knowledge of what was born from the Lamb of God. From this point further, wherever travel may be, this community received the absolute purpose to preserve and share the absolute freedom that resulted from this sacrifice.

The angel first appeared as Jesus was praying
in the garden of Gethsemane 
The angel brought a mild drink from heaven
Providing courage for pain and agony that awaited him
Now he knew now that awaited him would not be lifted.

The rope is hung to his neck
Pulled and cajole like a lamb with no purpose
Rope signifies wrong direction of mankind
Rope stripped with fine garments at Calvary
Yet the New Testament born from the rope

Apprehension from the peace of the garden
To the house of Annas and into the Pretorium
Their, assembled was a council of Judgment
Caliphas high priest questioned his teachings
Jesus replied his doctrine was no secret teaching

Malchus first struck our divine lord
Assembly members spat upon his Holy face
Blind folded slapped him asking which hand
offended him
Peeled his whickers for their own amusement
The whole night passed

At dawn delivered beaten and bloodied for trial
Crowned with thorns a Reed in right hand as a Scepter
Pointius Pilate noted thousands of flaws and
declared him a Galilean and sent him to Herod
Herod thought him a fool and sent him back
to Pilate to do what ever he wished

Pilate birthplace is Tarragonia (Tarraco), Spain
Pilate unworthy of judgment nor rule
A greedy and presiding bad judge, although he knew
his mistake and so as not to lose his position,
chose to appease the people

Sentenced a thief and sent to Calvary at 8:00 a.m.
Tied to a white pillar and ordered to be flogged
Scrouged with rods made of green reeds
The pillar turned color of jasper
Taken to balcony for viewing with a cochineal color robe

Beaten with blood of mankind dripping from his crown
Appears with rope on neck via thieves Dismas and Gestas
The cross immediately placed on his back
The tree to hang mankind of immense fatigue Mary comes across the procession and faints

A brave few and John help Mary and follow this torture
Jesus is no longer able to carry this cross and falls
The dust covered his face adhering to has face
Blood filled his mouth and he did not schirk
Though he was able to bring about his own death

The slave Simon of Cyrenia bravely dragged the cross
Help me, my Jesus
For your heart
Knows how to be a Cyrenian for a man
Who has failed in your passion

Veronica wipes his face
of sweat, blood and spittle
the image of my creator
on a cloth it was stamped
May he stamp to my soul this sorrowful passion

Arriving at Calvary between 9 to 10 a.m.
With 5 lesions they put him upon the West facing cross
His left hand could not reach the auger hole
and is stretched with rope to be staked
The angel comes to comfort Jesus

At the foot of the cross arrives Mary and later John
The weeping and inconsolable Mary
Jesus speaks; “Women you see here your Son”
Jesus to John, “You see your mother”
The Evangelist comforts Mary

Jesus breathed for three hours, by 12:00 he is dead
The sun hides, the earth quakes three times
Mary asks permission of John to stay in his home
She weeps for three days, Gods will be done
She cries who will take my son from the cross

Joseph a Senator from Arimathea, secretly a disciple
provided the Sepulcher and Linen for burial
Nicodemas a scholar, whom Jesus shared the
essence of Christianity “to be Born Again”
The two men lower him and hand him to Mary

She wraps him in her gentle arms
Bathed with compassion
His sweet body she kissed
Transfixed by sorrow
Seeing his sacred passion

The two men and John take the Lamb of God
Wrap him in the winding linen
On this cloth it was stamped with your image
The linen that will become the Schroud
They take Jesus to the Sepulcher

Closed with a cold stone
The angels open the cold stone
Distraught Mary Magdelen arrives
She asks the Gardener where Jesus is at
He responds, that Christ has already risen

John returns to the Sepulcher
Delicately wraps the Schroud
And removes this from view
John the caregiver for Mary
Now is the caregiver for the image of Christ.

By P. Anthony Garcia


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