Lloren, Pecadores


Esta Alabado dice la mayor parte de toda la historia de la pasión y se cantaba el Viernes Santo durante la procesión de la Morada de la Calvario de las cruces mientras genuflexión para cada 12 Estaciones de la Cruz. Esto Alabado es cantado despues del incautación de nuestro Señor por los soldados Romanos (empiza cantar al principio del segundo estofa) cuando Jesús es "capturado con un beso de paz" durante el procesión en Viernes Santo. Se cubre casi todo el Pasión.

Lloren, pecadores,
con mucho dolor,
la pasión y muerte
de Nuestro Señor.

Cuando lo prendieron,
con beso de paz,
lo llevan preso
a casa de Anás.

Luego lo remiten,
bien asegurado,
al rey que era Herodes
que lo ha sentenciado.

Por loco lo tienen,
falso, cruel y ingrato,
lo visten de blanco
y lo envió a Pilatos.

"¡Ecce Homo!" dice
puesto en el balcón;
leen su sentencia
a voz de pregón.

Pilatos sentencia
que sea azotado,
por ver si lo niega
aquel pueblo irado.

Por los tribunales,
lo traen con traición,
con cajas y trompetas,
a voz de pregón.

Los Judíos piden
que sea coronado,
de manos y pies,
en la cruz clavado.

Ya lo coronaron,
corona de espinas,
y crueles ataron
sus manos divinas.

Crueles puntillones
a Jesús le han dado,
con púrpura y caña
su rostro han llagado.

Pues Dimas le dice:
Poqué contra ti.
para que en tu reino
te acuerdes de mí."

Jesús le responde:
"Yo en verdad te digo
que tú allá en mi reino,
tú serás conmigo."

Las siete palabras,
que en la cruz habló,
a María su madre
le representó.

Luego que expiró
le abren el costado,
con una lanzada
que le dió un soldado.

De la cruz lo apean,
los brazos le han dado,
afeado su rostro
y acardenalado.

Al pueblo lo entregan,
cubierto el costado,
que vean los hombres
lo que os ha costado.

En sepulcro nuevo,
lo veis sepultado,
y al tercer día
ha resucitado.

Allí está María,
gimiendo y llorando,
y el evangelista
la está consolando.

"María Magdalena,
¿qué es de mi Señor?"
"Ya murió mi Dueño,
ya murió mi Amor.

"¡Adiós, Hijo mío!
¡Adiós, mi Señor!
¡Adiós, dulce sangre
de mi corazón!"

Cry, Sinners


This Alabado tells most of the whole story of The Passion and is sang on Holy Friday during the procession from the Morada to the Calary of Crosses while genuflecting for each 12 Stations of the Cross. This Alabado is sung after the seizure of Our Lord by the Roman soldiers, (begin singing at the beginning of second stanza of this Alabado when Jesus is "captured with a kiss of peace" during the procession on Good Friday. It covers most of the events of the Passion. This song is also sung at the beginning of wakes in which the dead is taken to the house of the deceased. The song follows the recitation the rosary after which Alabados are sang until daybreak.

Cry, Sinners
with much pain
the passion and death
of Our Lord.

When they captured him
with a kiss of peace
they took him as prisoner
to the house of Anas.

Then they dispatched him
well assured
to the king who was Herod
that was to sentence him.

For mad they detain him
false, cruel and ungrateful,
they dress him in white
and send him to Pilot.

"Ecce Home!"
placed on the balcony
they read him sentence
a voice of proclamation

Pilot's sentence
that he be whipped
to see if he denies
that peoples wrath

Through the courts
they bring him with treason
play boxes and trumpets
a voice of proclamation.

The Jews ask
that he be crowned
from hands and feet,
and on the cross nailed.

And at the coronation,
a crown of spines
and cruelly tied
his divine hands

Cruely dotted
to Jesus they did give him
with purple and gray
his face they had scarred.

While Dimas tells him,
I sinned against you,
why in your reign
do you remember of me?

Jesus responds to him:
"I tell you the truth,
that you there in my reign,
you will be with me"

The seven words
that he said on the cross,
that his mother Maria
she represented.

Then when he expired
they opened his side,
with a thrust
that was given by a soldier.

From the cross they alighting
his arms they had beaten,
disfigured his face
and black and blue.

The community did hand over,
covering the cost,
that man is able to see
what it did cost.

The new tomb,
you can see buried
and on the third day
was resurrected.

Over there is Mary,
moaning and crying
and the evangelist
is comforting her.

Mary Magdalene,
"what is of my Lord?"
"He has died my Dream,
my Love has died"

"Goodbye, my Son!
Goodbye , my Lord
Goodbye, sweet blood
of my heart!"

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